C# Starter. Lesson 2. Machine Mathematics And Numeral Systems

This lesson will help you understand binary and hexadecimal systems. You will understand how the various systems of calculation work , you will understand the structure of your computer and will be prepared for the next topic , which is covered in this lesson – variables and data types. You will learn what simple data types are in the C # language and be able to correctly determine what type of data should be used in a specific situation.



Видео курсы по специальностям: С#/.NET Developer, Frontend Developer, ASP.NET MVC Developer, Python Developer, Unity/Game Developer. С#/.NET Developer - С# Starter, SQL Essential, C# Essential, Алгоритмы и структуры данных, С# Professional, Entity Framework 6, Шаблоны проектирования, Refactoring in .NET Applications, WPF Essential, WPF Advanced Frontend Developer - HTML, CSS, JavaScript Essential, Twitter Bootstrap 3, JavaScript Advanced, TFS Fundamentals, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS ASP.NET MVC Developer - ASP.NET Essential, ASP.NET Advanced, ASP.NET MVC Fundamentals, ASP.NET MVC 4 Каждый видео курс включает в себя: практические примеры и задания, презентации, опорный конспект с рекомендованной литературой, онлайн тестирование и сертификация.

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